On occasion of Science day science mela was organised on 29th February 2020 .
Various exhibits were kept.
The exhibition consisted of following:

  1. Feather exhibit 
  2. Nest exhibits 
  3. Maths in nature exhibits 
  4. Mangrove exhibits
  5. Marine exhibits 
  6. Science demonstrations 
  7. Quiz
  8. Dark  room videos 

The group photo 

                  Volunteer group

            The dark room

Here are some pictures of exhibits and demonstrations.

                     The game corner.

Climbing brush experiment

Thirsty candle 

                      Camelian reaction

Balloon burst

Lava lamp

                       Power of rice

                             quiz corner

                                    Thread flow

                    Shells exhibition

                 Symmetry in nature

                        Patterns in nature

 Presentation on symmetry and patterns in nature

                    Feather exhibition

                        Lava lamp

              Placentation exhibition

               Climbing brush demonstration

             Camelian reaction explanation

                       Types of root

                      Mangrove exhibition

                      Hydrophyte exhibition

                     Shells exhibition

                   Mangrove exhibition

                   Sand dunes vegetation

Other  photos

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